3 december 2016

Winter Wonderland - Canvas Corp Brands December Challenge

I´m here today with my project for the brand new challenge at the Canvas Corp Brands Blog. The Challenge is called "Christmas where you are" and is all about the differences in how we celebrate Christmas around the globe. I made this layout inspiered by my memory of my childhoods Christmas.

I remember my childhoods winters like cold with a lot of snow but to be frank – the global warming has done something to the weather here as well. It most likely will rain during the whole December and the dream of snow will have to wait til January, or even next year. But sometimes magic happens. Sometime we have a white Christmas, like on the photo in this layout. It was taking on Christmas Eve with -23 Celcius on the scale, sun going down & the red houses – well that is a postcard for sure…

I have used a mix of products from the Canvas Corp Brands. I love the papers from the Canvas Corp Collection "Farmhouse Christmas" and have used both the kraft and white patterned papers. The collection works well with the pen I cut out from the Pen & Ink paper.

Natural cord rope and burlap cut into leaves crate dimension and interest. 

And who can live without Tattered Angels Mist splatters? I have used both Glimmer Mists, Baseboard Mist, Chalkboard Mist and Simply Sheer Mist. 

Please visit the Canvas Corp Brands Blog for more inspiration and details on how you submit to the Challenge! A click on the picture below will take you directly there. And as you know - I looooove comments from you readers!!

{I have used products from Tattered Angels, 7gypsies, Canvas Corp Brands & Petaloo.}

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